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Robinson Rocks Spread Kindness Around Town

Feb 07, 2018 09:34AM ● By Jeanne Fratello
The students of Robinson Elementary School are spreading the message that "Kindness Rocks" with more than 130 painted rocks that are hidden around town. The students painted the rocks with unique designs and messages as a community service project during Kindness Week.

On the back of each rock is a special message instructing the finder to enjoy it, to post a picture of it on the “Kindness Rocks MB” Facebook page, and then to re-hide the rock. This project - described as being a local version of Pokemon hunting - is designed to appeal to people of all ages and abilities, and to spread some joy and kindness in the community.

Alex Dionisio, artist and Robinson parent, spearheaded the project in conjunction with fifth grader Sofia Stephens, Robinson Student Council's community service commissioner. 

"I had heard about this idea and thought this would be great for our community,” Dionisio said. “We hope that everyone will get outside to find the rocks and get creative. We want people to re-hide them around Manhattan Beach, the neighboring towns, or head up to the areas affected by the fires and mudslides, as they definitely can use some extra love.”

“We hope the rocks will start the kindness ripple effect,” said Stephens.

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