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Homeowners, It's Time To Vote on Manhattan Beach Storm Drain Measure

Jan 11, 2024 09:54PM ● By Jeanne Fratello

City crews vacuum trash from a storm drain outfall. Photo via City of Manhattan Beach.

Manhattan Beach property owners, if you haven't voted yet, the time is ticking on your chance to vote on a proposed storm drain fee increase.

Property owners should have received a ballot and a postage-paid return envelope by mail. Each vote must be received (not merely postmarked) by 5:00 p.m. on January 17. (If you have lost your ballot, need a replacement ballot, or need assistance completing your ballot, contact the Manhattan Beach City Clerk’s Office at (310) 802-5056 or [email protected].)

The proposed increase represents a big leap, from an annual fixed fee of $19.12 to an average annual fee of $129 per parcel. However, that fee has not increased since 1996. 

The city's storm drain fund pays for the maintenance of and improvements to its 81-mile storm drain system, which eventually leads to the ocean. The storm drain system is designed with the goal of preventing floods and sinkholes, keeping the ocean clean, and minimizing property damage.

However, according to a city staff report, most of the storm drain infrastructure in Manhattan Beach is 50 or more years old and was installed as the city developed. "Engineering reports show that many storm drains are in need of repair or replacement as they deteriorate and fail," according to the report. "When storm drains fail they create sinkholes and cause flooding that damages streets, sidewalks, and public and private property. Outdated storm drains are not as effective in preventing trash, toxic chemicals, and pollutants from reaching the ocean, beaches, and waterways. The cost to proactively repair or replace aging storm drains is far less than the cost of reconstructing storm drains when they fail, potentially creating sinkholes and property damage."

The storm drain fund is currently operating at a deficit, according to city staff. The current fees generate approximately $350,000 in revenue, while the program has racked up costs of about $2.2 million per year. The city has been funding the difference through its General Fund, providing $6 million in subsidies over the past four years.

The city also receives funding through L.A. County's Measure W and applies for grants where applicable, although city staff emphasized at a meeting last November that those dollars alone do not cover the increased needs. Consultants took into account an aggregate amount of Measure W funding and storm drain fees when determining the new amount for the fee, according to staff.

If the fee is not increased, the city projects it will need to subsidize the storm drain fund by approximately $11.4 million over the next six years - dollars that would take away from other General Fund items.

Under the proposed fee structure, 88% of residential property owners will pay a fee under $200 annually; 7% of residents will pay an annual fee higher than $200 due to more impervious square footage (lot square footage that is covered by structures or surfaces such as concrete that do not absorb water and thus create more runoff) on their properties. The remaining 5% accounts for commercial property. The fees would be collected via the Los Angeles County consolidated property tax bill.

Funds from the storm drain measure would be used for repairs, operations, maintenance, and improvements, including:
  • Reconstructing or replacing aging storm drains that are identified by engineers as at risk for collapse or failure;
  • Installing and maintaining storm drain devices that protect local beaches, waterways, and the ocean from trash and pollution;
  • Inspecting and testing stormwater quality regularly to ensure clean water standards;
  • Removing pollutants, toxic chemicals, and infectious bacteria from runoff;
  • Reducing illegal discharges of pollution in local waterways.

Property owners who do not want the fee increase already had one chance to turn it down. The city had mailed out 13,102 notices on September 22, giving property owners the chance to submit written protests. Half of the property owners would have had to file a protest to block the fee increase from going to a ballot. However, by the November 7 deadline, only 1,628 property owners had filed a protest. 

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