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"Plus One" Exhibit Explores Pottery Artists, Mentors

Apr 17, 2024 10:58PM ● By Jeanne Fratello

"Salt Vapor Vessel by Terry Shepherd. Photo via Manhattan Beach Cultural Arts.

How is an artist influenced by his or her mentor? That's a question being asked by a new exhibition opening Friday at the Manhattan Beach Art Center

The +1 (Plus One) exhibition, is a survey of Southern California pottery that features prominent artists in the field of ceramics as well as their mentors, focusing on the mentor/mentee dynamic. Each artist who was invited to the exhibition was asked to invite their mentor to contribute a piece as well.

The public is invited to the opening reception for the exhibit on Friday from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. at the Manhattan Beach Art Center. Light refreshments and wine will be served; no RSVP is necessary.

Mentorship Woven into Pottery Traditions

(Art from Brad Miller, left, and Stephanie Bachiero, right)

According to Manhattan Beach Cultural Supervisor Eric Brinkman, the tradition of pottery has historically depended on the unique relationship between mentors and mentees as a fundamental cornerstone of advancement.

"The mentor/mentee dynamic is especially relevant in pottery culture," said Brinkman. "Ceramics is a very technical process, requiring a lot of knowledge to become successful. Mentors work with mentees to help with technical knowledge and mentees help mentors with the physical demands of the job. Through guidance, critique, and shared experiences, mentors empower mentees to explore their creativity, hone their skills, and add their own threads to the rich tapestry of pottery traditions."

The new exhibit "endeavors to celebrate the interconnectedness of artistic lineage and creative inspiration in pottery," added Brinkman.

Featured artists include Stephanie Bachiero, Alan Chin, Rodney Mott, Paul Soldner, Heather Peterson, Eilen Stewart, Terry Shepherd, Antonio Cuellar, Mattie Leads, John Toki, Ben Jackel, and Adrian Saxe.

The exhibit is free and will run through June 30. The Manhattan Beach Art Center's gallery hours are Wednesday through Thursday from 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., and Friday through Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

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