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2013 MB Open Champs Take Ice Bucket Challenge

Aug 14, 2014 04:37PM ● By Mb News Staff

From left: Kerri Walsh Jennings, Whitney Pavlik, Matt Fuerbringer and his daughter, and Casey Jennings and one of his sons during their "Walk of Fame" plaque installation ceremony on the Manhattan Beach Pier Thursday.

Water, ice, sand... and four wet 2013 AVP MB Open champions.

That's what you had after Matt Fuerbringer, Casey Jennings, Whitney Pavlik and Kerri Walsh Jennings stepped forward for the Ice Bucket Challenge, a social media phenomenon playing out nationwide.

On Thursday, after a "Walk of Fame" ceremony and the unveiling of their 2013 MB Open championship plaques on the Manhattan Beach Pier, the four athletes took to the sand and took on the challenge. was there capturing the icy action.

The Ice Bucket Challenge has people throughout the United States pouring buckets of ice over others' heads on video, then daring two or three of their friends to do the same, all done to bring awareness to ALS, or Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease.

Patrick Quinn, who has ALS and is the founder of the ALS charity Quinn for the Win, launched the campaign on social media with the help of his friend, former Boston College baseball captain Pete Frates. Both men are fighting ALS, 

Donations have increased fourfold year-over-year since the challenge went viral in late July, according to the ALS Association.

Manhattan Beach City Council members have taken an Ice Bucket Challenge, as a fundraiser for the Fallen Peace Officer Foundation. 

AVP MB Open Ice Bucket Challenge

Karri Walsh Jennings and Whitney Pavlik issue an Ice Bucket Challenge.

AVP MB Open Ice Bucket Challenge

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