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Manhattan Beach Weather

In Manhattan Beach, it's always 72 and sunny.

OK, not always! Here's the current forecast for Manhattan Beach weather.

Thinking about visiting Manhattan Beach?

Check out all of MB News. There's almost always something exciting going on. To find out the latest, check out our Manhattan Beach events calendar, or our look ahead at feature story about Manhattan Beach Events in 2022.

Looking for restaurants in Manhattan Beach? Check out our articles about Manhattan Beach restaurants, and other feature stories like family meals in Manhattan Beach or our Manhattan Beach take-out guide.

Want to find out the latest news from the city of Manhattan Beach? Check out our Manhattan Beach city news section.

Looking for news about beach and other outdoor activities in Manhattan Beach? Check out our Manhattan Beach sports and rec stories.

And last but not least, if you want to live in Manhattan Beach, or learn about Manhattan Beach homes, see stories about Manhattan Beach homes here. For all of the most up-to-date news and information about Manhattan Beach real estate, visit our sister publication, Manhattan Beach Confidential.


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