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Hometown Fair/10K Run Photo Contest: Best Fair Scene/Spirit Entries

Oct 06, 2014 10:26PM ● By Mb News Staff

Photo by Liz Spear of There's nothing like friendship and smiles! They create a spirited scene!

Editor's Note: We've purposely not identified the photographers behind these photos since the judges are reviewing photos without knowing anything about the person who took them. Identifies will be revealed once the judges have selected the top 3 in this category.

Every year, the Manhattan Beach Hometown Fair brings out the best in people!

With everything from live music to carnival games to pony rides to Pepper Bellies to art works to beer and wine to classic cars to the Mira Costa Marching Band, the fair has so many "scenes," it's hard to imagine capturing just one.

Indeed, the MB Hometown Fair is also one of the most spirited annual events in the city, and the 10K Run held just prior to it has more than its fair share of spirit and scenes, too.

Here are the entries in the "Best Fair Scene/Spirit" category.

Take a look to see the diversity captured by these fine photographers.

The top 3 in each category will be announced later this week, with prizes awarded.

Thanks to everyone who entered a submission. We thank you for entering the photo contest and giving all of us the opportunity to see what you saw.

Feel free to post comments about these photos. They're all great!

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