TEDx Manhattan Beach: Game Changers
Oct 09, 2014 12:41PM ● By Jeanne Fratello
TEDx Manhattan Beach returns this year with the theme of "Game Changers," featuring a new slate of innovative thinkers and entrepreneurs. The 5th annual conference will take place at the Manhattan Beach MIddle School from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m on November 15.
Speakers include cutting-edge education thinkers Andrew Mangino from the Character Lab, Tim Shriver from The Future Project, and Randy Palisoc from Iron Box Education. Also speaking are James Pita, a recovering video game fanatic, now game theorist; Skip Rizzo, a professor with breakthrough virtual reality applications; Suzanna Guzman from the L.A. Opera; and Julia Horwitz, a Manhattan Beach student who is changing the world, one poem at a time.
"Some people see life as a game where rules can change. We call them brilliant, innovators, entrepreneurs, and maybe even lucky," said TEDx Manhattan Beach coordinator Kate Bergin. "We are in awe of their incredible accomplishments, and the way they change our understanding of the world."
Other activities at the conference include an "unconventional mural" in which the Mira Costa Art Department will lead attendees in creating a 20-foot mural with unconventional tools such as squeegees and scrub brushes; and an exhibit of Makerspace, the hands-on creative lab headquartered at Pacific Elementary School.
TEDxManhattanBeach is made possible with the cooperative support, commitment, and sponsorship of the Manhattan Beach Education Foundation (MBEF), the Manhattan Beach Unified School District, and the City of Manhattan Beach.
Tickets, available at TEDxManhattanBeach.com, are $85 and include continental breakfast, snacks, and lunch. (Tickets sell out quickly, so buy yours soon.) Use the MBEF promo code to receive $10 off your ticket.
Speakers include cutting-edge education thinkers Andrew Mangino from the Character Lab, Tim Shriver from The Future Project, and Randy Palisoc from Iron Box Education. Also speaking are James Pita, a recovering video game fanatic, now game theorist; Skip Rizzo, a professor with breakthrough virtual reality applications; Suzanna Guzman from the L.A. Opera; and Julia Horwitz, a Manhattan Beach student who is changing the world, one poem at a time.
"Some people see life as a game where rules can change. We call them brilliant, innovators, entrepreneurs, and maybe even lucky," said TEDx Manhattan Beach coordinator Kate Bergin. "We are in awe of their incredible accomplishments, and the way they change our understanding of the world."
Other activities at the conference include an "unconventional mural" in which the Mira Costa Art Department will lead attendees in creating a 20-foot mural with unconventional tools such as squeegees and scrub brushes; and an exhibit of Makerspace, the hands-on creative lab headquartered at Pacific Elementary School.
TEDxManhattanBeach is made possible with the cooperative support, commitment, and sponsorship of the Manhattan Beach Education Foundation (MBEF), the Manhattan Beach Unified School District, and the City of Manhattan Beach.
Tickets, available at TEDxManhattanBeach.com, are $85 and include continental breakfast, snacks, and lunch. (Tickets sell out quickly, so buy yours soon.) Use the MBEF promo code to receive $10 off your ticket.