Student Entrepreneurs Wanted
Nov 18, 2014 08:26AM ● By Mb News Staff
Middle and high school students interested in learning how to be an entrepreneur can participate in the Young Entrepreneurs Academy program offered through the Manhattan Beach Chamber of Commerce. Applications are due by Monday, December 1. Scholarship money is available; the program tuition is $495 (which includes books and supplies) per student for the 2014-2015 academic year.
The Young Entrepreneurs Academy, aka YEA!, was founded in 2004 at the University of Rochester with support from the Kaufmann Foundation. Today YEA! serves thousands of students in 168 communities nationwide.
YEA! offers practical, real-world experience, helping students develop business ideas, write business plans, conduct market research, pitch their plans to a panel of investors, and actually launch and run their own real, legal, fully formed companies and social movements.
In 2011, the United States Chamber of Commerce and Campaign for Free Enterprise became a national sponsor and partner of the Academy to help celebrate the spirit of enterprise among today’s youth and tomorrow’s future leaders.
The MB class will accept up to 24 students. Meetings will be held on Tuesdays beginning on January 5 from 5:30-8:30 p.m. at Mira Costa High School.
Requirements for YEA! include
- Students must be in Junior High or High School (grades 6-12)
- Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 3.0
- Each applicant must have access to reliable transportation to and from the class
- Parental permission will be required for a number of field trips
The Manhattan Beach Chamber of Commerce can be reached at 310-545-5313.