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Wanted: 'Why I Love Manhattan Beach' Art

Nov 30, 2014 03:57PM ● By Mb News Staff

This oil on canvas painting by Charles Lynn Bragg won first place in the 2013 "Why I Love MB" City Hall Art Show.

There's much to love about Manhattan Beach, our quaint city by the sea, and Mayor Wayne Powell has once again launched a "Why I Love MB" art exhibition for residents and community members. 

The mayor's first "Why I Love MB" art contest was held in January 2013, when Powell held the mayorship for the first time.

The contest was so successful, the second-term mayor just had to have the city hold it again.

"It was a huge success last time," said Powell. "There were several outstanding entries."
Those artistic works include "several exquisite entries consisting of paintings (acrylic and oil), sketches and photography," Powell told DigMB.

"The entries ranged from young adults to older adults. The art included Manhattan Beach landmarks such as the iconic Manhattan Beach Pier and Roundhouse, the beach and marine wildlife, sunsets, surfers, lifeguard towers, Veterans Parkway greenbelt, Metlox Plaza, Polliwog Park (including the pond and the historic Red House), American Martyrs Church, and yes, even City Hall, Fire Station 1, and the city water tower."  

The winner's in the 2013 contest were
  • First place: Charles Lynn Bragg, “Painting Janice Painting Manhattan Beach”
  • Second place: James Gill, “Centennial Sunset”
  • Third place: Cinthia Joyce, “View from the Pier”
  • Honorable mentions: Olivia Becker, Andrew Downs and John Post.

The city's Cultural Arts Division is conducting the "Why I Love MB" City Hall Art Exhibition. Residents and folks taking a city-sponsored art class are eligible to submit one single art work in any medium, including two-dimensional (2D) or three-dimensional (3D).

Each artist's entry is due by 5 p.m. on December 17. The show is juried, and exhibition dates are from January 30, 2015 to February 20, 2015 at Manhattan Beach City Hall, 1400 Highland Ave. If a submission isn't displayed at city hall due to space limitations, it will be shown in a digital photo album on the city's website.

How to Submit Artwork

  1. Download and fill out the entry form (PDF) or pick up an entry form at any City facility.
  2. Submit the completed entry form along with JPEG images of the artwork, with artist name (required) via email. The entry form can be submitted via mail or walk-in at City Hall, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.. Images must still be submitted via email. No hard copies or CDs of images will be accepted via mail or delivery.

Mailing address:

City of Manhattan Beach Parks and Recreation Department
ATTN: Cultural Arts Division - Why I Heart MB Logo small Art Submissions
1400 Highland Avenue
Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

The City of Manhattan Beach wants those submitting a piece of art to know that "the city does not provide insurance. Therefore, the artist/lender should provide his/her own insurance if necessary. The Exhibition Program is not responsible for theft, loss, or damage to any work, equipment, or personal injury beyond the City’s liability policies."

For more information, please contact Esmeralda Montes, Cultural Arts Division, at (310) 802-5417 or via email.

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