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Santa to Visit Manhattan Beach Neighborhoods

Nov 30, 2014 07:25PM ● By Mb News Staff
Santa Claus and his helpers will visit Manhattan Beach neighborhoods beginning Monday, Dec. 1. The annual Santa float, sponsored this year by Soroptimist International of Manhattan Beach, will travel set routes weeknights through Thursday, Dec. 18. Rained out evenings will not be re-scheduled but you're more than welcome to visit Santa any night he's out on his float.

Santa's travels begin at 5 p.m. with the exception of Monday, Dec. 15, when Santa holds forth in Manhattan Village at a stationary location from 5:30-6:30 p.m. and then begins his route that night.

The map of Santa's neighborhood visits provides details of his treks through MB. Santa will stop in the middle of each block.

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