Join the Discussion: What's the Future of MB Look Like?
Dec 05, 2014 11:48AM ● By Jeanne Fratello
Mayor's Youth Council members during an October activity/event called "Meet the City."
"We're Better Together" is the motto of an intergenerational event being held on Saturday, Dec. 6, with the city's Senior Advisory Committee (SAC) and Mayor’s Youth Council.
The free public event, scheduled from 9 a.m. to 12 noon at Joslyn Community Center (simply show up), will feature keynote speaker Freddi Segal-Gidan with a talk on "Growing the Future in Manhattan Beach." Dr. Segal-Gidan, a physician assistant and gerontologist, is director of the USC-Rancho Los Amigos California Alzheimer's Disease Center.
The program will also include a breakout discussion session on "How we can build a stronger inter-generational community in Manhattan Beach" led by the Mayor’s Youth Council and the city's Older Adult Program.
Light refreshments will be served. The Manhattan Beach Dial-A-Ride shuttle is available by calling (310 545-3500 for senior citizens who need transportation.
The event got its start in 2012 during the city's centennial year celebration and has continued ever since through the support of SAC, the Mayor's Council, City Council member David Lesser, and others, said Jan Buike, Older Adult Programs Supervisor.
"It's an opportunity for all ages to share ideas on living in Manhattan Beach and how working together can result in positive changes," said Jan.
The Mayor's Youth Council is a group that brings together high school students and community leaders to introduce students to local issues and civic involvement. The Senior Advisory Committee works in conjunction with the Parks and Recreation Department’s Older Adults Program to make recommendations regarding the delivery of senior programs, activities and policies.
The free public event, scheduled from 9 a.m. to 12 noon at Joslyn Community Center (simply show up), will feature keynote speaker Freddi Segal-Gidan with a talk on "Growing the Future in Manhattan Beach." Dr. Segal-Gidan, a physician assistant and gerontologist, is director of the USC-Rancho Los Amigos California Alzheimer's Disease Center.
The program will also include a breakout discussion session on "How we can build a stronger inter-generational community in Manhattan Beach" led by the Mayor’s Youth Council and the city's Older Adult Program.
Light refreshments will be served. The Manhattan Beach Dial-A-Ride shuttle is available by calling (310 545-3500 for senior citizens who need transportation.
The event got its start in 2012 during the city's centennial year celebration and has continued ever since through the support of SAC, the Mayor's Council, City Council member David Lesser, and others, said Jan Buike, Older Adult Programs Supervisor.
"It's an opportunity for all ages to share ideas on living in Manhattan Beach and how working together can result in positive changes," said Jan.
The Mayor's Youth Council is a group that brings together high school students and community leaders to introduce students to local issues and civic involvement. The Senior Advisory Committee works in conjunction with the Parks and Recreation Department’s Older Adults Program to make recommendations regarding the delivery of senior programs, activities and policies.