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Where's Santa? Find Him in Manhattan Beach

Dec 08, 2014 03:11PM ● By Mb News Staff

Santa posed for photos at the 2013 MB Holiday Fireworks Festival.

With two of Santa's neighborhood visits in Manhattan Beach rained out last week, young and old alike still have plenty of opportunities to see Santa Claus.

Santa will be at the MB Farmers Market tomorrow (Tuesday, Dec. 9) from 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The market is open from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and brings the best growers and vendors to town with fresh, high-quality produce, fruit, food and much more. 

At the Farmers Market, Santa Ed will pose for photos taken by JP Cordero with Shutter Styles Photography, with links to photos emailed to parents. Shade Hotel's Executive Chef Chris Garasic will create his famous house-made Holiday Cakepops for kids to enjoy. This special Santa visit is sponsored by The Zislis Group which includes Shade Hotel, Rock'n FishBrewco and The Strand House.

Santa's float, with his reindeer, is scheduled to visit city streets beginning tonight (Monday, Dec. 8) beginning at 5 p.m. Tonight's area is bounded by Peck Ave., 1st St., Aviation Blvd. and Artesia Blvd. Personnel from the Manhattan Beach Fire Department will be assisting Santa Claus on his rounds through city streets.

Santa's float will visit designated neighborhoods through Friday before taking the weekend off and resuming the following Monday. (See the attached PDF.)

But Santa himself won't be taking time off. The jolly ol' fellow will also be at the 26th Annual Manhattan Beach Holiday Fireworks Festival on Sunday, Dec. 14.

Those searching for Santa can also find him at Manhattan Village, holding forth Monday-Saturday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. with breaks at 1 and 5 p.m., and Sunday from 12 noon to 6 p.m. with a break at 2 p.m. Santa will only take photos with pets on Thursday (see below).

The shopping center will host pets posing for photos with Santa on Thursday, Dec. 11 from 3 p.m. until closing. The event is a make-up due to last week's rain.

Santa will also be at the MB Farmers Market on Tuesday, Dec. 19 with his sleigh and candy canes. Bring your own camera to snap some cute photos.

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