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Luncheon Event to Honor 5 Outstanding Students

Mar 05, 2015 08:22PM ● By Mb News Staff

From left, the January 15th luncheon honoress, Jack Storer, Shubhaya Bhattacharya, Lily Kohler and Emily Pringle who were honored as Outstanding Students by the Manhattan Beach Coordinating Council.

The Manhattan Beach Coordinating Council will recognize five outstanding students from Manhattan Beach schools during a community luncheon on Thursday, March 19 at 11:30 a.m. at The Belamar Hotel. The public is invited to join the luncheon festivities at a cost of $35 per person.

Funds raised by the luncheons support MBCC's annual scholarship fund, which has awarded $42,000 to 12 graduating seniors from Mira Costa High School during the past two years. The 2015 scholarship recipients will be announced May 21 during a special Blue Zones Project-themed reception hosted by Beach Cities Health District.

“Community support is integral to the mission of the Manhattan Beach Coordinating Council,” said Stephanie Martin, MBCC president, who is also the community affairs officer for the Manhattan Beach Police Department. “Our community sponsors, like the West Basin Municipal Water District, are the lifeblood of our scholarship fund, which every year helps local high school students realize their dreams of college educations. We hope to see you and your family March 19th at The Belamar Hotel.”

MBCC hosts a series of fundraising luncheons during which students selected from Manhattan Beach elementary schools, American Martyrs School, Manhattan Beach Middle School and Mira Costa High School are spotlighted for academic and community excellence. The March 19 luncheon is the third this academic year.

MBCC’s mission is to establish a forum to promote networking, communication and information exchange among agencies, organizations, and individuals while providing recognition and college scholarships to local students. 

MBCC relies on sponsors to support its fundraising efforts and there are five levels of community sponsorship available. To attend the March 19 luncheon, sign up here.

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