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Manhattan Beach Drivers Do Well at Roadeo

Apr 08, 2015 01:28AM ● By Mb News Staff

Ever heard of a Roadeo? Well, you have now! And it's all good!

Just last month, Manhattan Beach's Dial-A-Ride drivers competed in the CalAct/RTAP Spring Roadeo at the Victor Valley Transit Authority, finishing in second place and bringing home a trophy for their hard work.

Sabrina Johnson, Francisco Medina, Ulysses Rivas and Jorge Rosito competed in driving events, with Sabrina finishing in third place in the mini-van division and Ulysses taking fourth place in the full-size cutaway bus event. The MB team took fifth place in the 2014 competition.

The two-day Roadeo included a day of workshops and training in operation areas such as safety and updates on laws and regulations. The Roadeo competition took placed the second day, offering drivers the opportunity to put their skills to the test on a course with obstacles designated to measure driver performance, conduct, safety, and speed. 

The California Association for Coordinated Transportation is the largest state transit association in the country with over 300 members representing small residential transportation providers statewide.   

Manhattan Beach's Dial-A-Ride serves residents 55 and older and disabled individuals of all ages, taking them to locations within the city as well as shopping destinations and medical facilities in cities nearby. The curb-to-curb service operates daily and its buses are equipped with a wheelchair lift. Drivers are able to provide boarding and disembarking assistance if needed.

Reservations for Dial-A-Ride may be made by calling dispatch at (310) (310) 545-3500 daily from 7 a.m. to 12 noon and from 1 to 5 p.m. They can be made up to 7 days in advance.


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