West Basin Donates to Manhattan Beach Scholarship Fund
Apr 09, 2015 08:53PM ● By Mb News Staff
From left, MBCC Board members Isela Buenabad, Cindy Ellenberg, Elaine Trotter, Dr. Lisa Santora, Brianne Edwards, West Basin's Carol Kwan, Abby Waddell and Officer Stephanie Martin of the MB Police Department and MBCC's President.
The West Basin Municipal Water District donated $2,700 to the Manhattan Beach Coordinating Council last month to support the organization's scholarship fund.
Carol Kwan, the Director of Division III for the West Basin Municipal Water District, presented the $2,700 ceremonial check and posed with members of the MBCC at the March 19 luncheon at which five outstanding Manhattan Beach students were honored.
West Basin raised the funds at the water district’s annual volunteer-led rainwater barrel distribution fundraiser. Rain barrels were distributed for free, and for each Manhattan Beach resident who picked up a rain barrel, West Basin donated $10 to MBCC. More than 270 rainwater barrels were distributed community-wide during the event in late February.
Manhattan Beach resident George Butts, who is the president of the MB Community Emergency Response Team Association, picked up a rain barrel, set it up and has used it successfully during recent rains.

Carol Kwan, the Director of Division III for the West Basin Municipal Water District, presented the $2,700 ceremonial check and posed with members of the MBCC at the March 19 luncheon at which five outstanding Manhattan Beach students were honored.
West Basin raised the funds at the water district’s annual volunteer-led rainwater barrel distribution fundraiser. Rain barrels were distributed for free, and for each Manhattan Beach resident who picked up a rain barrel, West Basin donated $10 to MBCC. More than 270 rainwater barrels were distributed community-wide during the event in late February.
Manhattan Beach resident George Butts, who is the president of the MB Community Emergency Response Team Association, picked up a rain barrel, set it up and has used it successfully during recent rains.

MB resident George Butts set up his rain barrel and collected rain water the next time it rained.