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Manhattan Beach Slips to 9th Place in Nationwide Water Conservation Challenge

Apr 27, 2015 12:40PM ● By Mb News Staff

Standings for Manhattan Beach as of Monday, April 26, 2015, around 12:17 p.m.

The City of Manhattan Beach has slipped to 9th place in The Wyland Foundation's Mayor's Challenge for Water Conservation, according to the website. The city is competing in a category with towns whose ranges from 30,000 to 99,999 in the Southwestern region. Poway is presently at No. 1 in the category as of press time. Cities with the highest percentage of residents who take the challenge in their population category win. 

The goal of the foundation's competition is to encourage everyone to use water wisely. The online pledge only takes a few minutes and alerts the pledger to actions they can take to reduce their consumption. The pledge is educational and informative. The challenge ends Thursday, April 30 and began April 1.

Links to other online conservation resources in the Southwest are provided here and a rebate on a water saving Waterpik shower head is here.

If Manhattan Beach wins, and you chose to enter the prize drawing, you are eligible to win one of the following prizes:
  • Grand Prize: Toyota Prius v
  • $1000 Shopping Spree at a home improvement store
  • 50 Smart Irrigation controllers from the Toro Company
  • 250 home improvement store gift cards ($25)
  • 40 fixed mount EcoFlow® shower heads from Waterpik
  • 40 hand held EcoFlow® shower heads from Waterpik
One of the winning cities will be randomly selected to receive a pocket park landscape makeover, including state-of-the-art water efficient irrigation from the Toro Company (ARV $10,000-$50,000).

In addition, winning cities will also be provided with a customer engagement and data analytics solution that is proven to improve water-use efficiency and generate operational savings for water utilities.

In 2014, Huntington Beach was a winning city and in 2013, Laguna Beach was a winning city.

Thus far in the 2015 competition, Hermosa Beach is in first place in the 5,000 to 29,999 population bracket with Laguna Beach hot on its tail. Torrance is at No. 1 in the 100,000 to 199,999 population category with Huntington Beach behind it in 4th place.

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