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City Applauds Environmental Heroes, Green Businesses, Super Food Waste Recyclers

May 05, 2015 07:51PM ● By Mb News Staff

Environmental Hero honorees are shown with City Council members Amy Howorth and David Lesser, Mayor Pro Tem Mark Burton, the city's Environmental Programs Manager Sona Coffee, and Mayor Wayne Powell. Photo by Scott Coffee.

Five individuals were honored as Environmental Heroes at the city's 23rd Annual Earth Day Concert and Celebration on Saturday, April 25 at Polliwog Park. In addition, the city announced new additions to its Green Business program and highlighted two food waste recycling stars, according to Sona Coffee, the city's Environmental Programs Manager.

Selected by V.O.I.C.E., aka Volunteers and Organizations Improving the Community's Environment, this year's Environmental Heroes are students Joshua Cigoianu and Sam Holtze, and Jackie May, Nancy Klosowski, and Victor Simmering.

Joshua was honored for his leadership role at Meadows Elementary School in introducing a program on the issue of water conservation, providing incentives and educating his fellow students.

Sam was honored for his leadership role at Notre Dame High School in implementing a program of collecting used sports equipment and shoes to donate to those in need.

Klosowski, who implemented an extensive recycling program and promoted sustainable practices in food service at Mira Costa High School, was honored for her work.

Simmering, who set up and implemented an extensive recycling and composting program at Grand View Elementary School that reduced waste to 2 bags of trash per day, was honored, as was May, whose recent work of setting up and implementing a donation drop-off location to support the Marine Mammal Care Center’s effort to rescue stranded sea lions gained her the acknowledgment. 

Manhattan Beach businesses called out for joining the Green Business Program are Harris and Associates, Lori J. Clark, OD, and Shade Hotel

Harris and Associates' actions include implementing recycling in their office complex, adding energy-efficient lighting, and switching to the use of all recycled paper products.

Clark's Family Vision Care is an "eco-visionary vision care center" that has upgraded to more energy-efficient LED lighting. 

Shade Hotel is an "eco-luxury boutique hotel" with new water efficient upgrades and energy-efficient LED lighting. The hotel is also a pioneering participant in the food waste recycling pilot program.

Tin Roof Bistro and Petros were applauded for participating in a program to send their food waste to be recycled into bio-gas, a green energy, said Coffee. 

Tin Roof Bisto was honored for the business' "commitment to and long-term participation in the city’s food waste recycling program" and for "helping to divert over 1 ton per month of food waste from the landfill."

Petros Restaurant  was honored for its "enthusiasm and committed participation in the city’s food waste recycling program" and "keeping close to 1 ton per month of food waste from the landfill."

The 23rd Annual Earth Day Concert and Celebration was free and open to the public. The event included vendors and informational booths, music, food trucks, and the awards ceremony.

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