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World Series Hopes Quashed For Manhattan Beach Little League Senior All-Stars

Jul 27, 2015 12:04PM ● By Mb News Staff

Jason Schwartz, in 2014 competition, rounding second base on a double he hit to left field.

A shot at going to the World Series ended Sunday night when the Manhattan Beach Little League Senior All-Stars suffered a heartbreaking 2-1 loss to an Arizona team in the Western Regional Tournament Ontario. A win would have secured the team a bid for the Western Regional championship and put them just one win away from the Senior All-Star World Series.

In a valiant effort, the team rallied to tie the score 1-1 in the top of the 6th innning, after Arizona got on the board in the bottom of the second. Unfortunately, in the bottom of the 8th, Arizona battled back to score the winning run.

Three MBLL players hit the ball well: Rollie Nichols and Ty Conrad hit 2-3 and Carson Phillips went 2-4. 

To the team's credit, their two post-season losses came at the hands of the Theteams that will face off tonight at Jay Littleton Ball Park in the Western Region championship: Host town Chino National and Arizona.

The Senior League Baseball Division is for boys and girls 13-16 years old, using a conventional 90-foot diamond with a pitching distance of 60 feet, 6 inches.

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