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International Moms to Descend on Manhattan Beach

Apr 02, 2018 10:07AM ● By Jeanne Fratello

Photo via Downtown Manhattan Beach Business and Professionals Association

More than 180 moms from around the world will spend the day strolling and shopping in downtown Manhattan Beach on Tuesday, as their children participate in a nearby dance competition.

The "mothers and others" are being hosted by the Manhattan Beach Chamber of Commerce and the Downtown Manhattan Beach Business and Professionals Association.

As their fleet of buses arrive at Metlox Plaza in Manhattan Beach at around 11:00 a.m., the "moms" will receive shopping bags with map of downtown and a few other items tucked away inside. Approximately twenty stores throughout the downtown area will be offering special treats and exclusive shopping discounts for the guests.

The families are arriving in town from as far away as Asia, Europe, Australia, and even Tahiti. The young dancers are participating in an international festival called Dance Excellence, which is sold out with more than 1,000 attendees.

The idea of formally hosting the moms came from local resident Annie McQuitty. "I have always brought our "mothers and others" to Manhattan Beach during Dance Ex, but I realize that if we put just a little organization into their visit, it could be tremendously more positive for our local stores, and a more enjoyable day for our guests," said McQuitty. "These are lovely women, ready for a great time in a beautiful place."

The downtown merchants are looking forward to hosting their international guests, said Kelly Stroman, executive director of the Downtown Manhattan Beach Business and Professionals Association. "Everything from libations and chocolates, to cookies and tea, to healthy snacks will be found as the guests traverse the downtown shops," she said. "The store owners are excited and looking forward to interacting with the "mothers and others."

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