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Holiday Open House Forges New Traditions in Manhattan Beach

Nov 12, 2020 12:46PM ● By Jeanne Fratello
Update: This post has been edited to reflect that the golf cart parade has been cancelled.

Downtown Manhattan Beach's annual Holiday Open House will look slightly different this year, but organizers hope it could mark the start of beloved new traditions.

What's new this year? The event take place over a weekend (November 13-15), instead of one weeknight as it has in the past. Outdoor dining decks will be included in the traditional store window decorating contest.

Also new: In conjunction with E3 Vehicles of Hermosa Beach, the Downtown Manhattan Beach Business and Professionals Association will introduce its new Downtown “Joy Ride”, a golf cart that will be driving Santa for the weekend. The "Joy Ride" will also be available for downtown businesses to reserve throughout the holidays to provide free local delivery to their customers.

Let's take a look at the whole rundown: 

Friday, November 13:
  • The city’s holiday decorations and the lights on the Manhattan Beach Pier will be installed and lighted.

Saturday and Sunday, November 14 and 15:
  • Shops will compete in a Holiday Window & Outdoor Dining Decorating Contest. The public will have a chance to vote on their favorite entries online;
  • Visitors will have a chance to compete in a Penguin Scavenger Hunt with prizes;
  • Santa will provide “drive by” greetings throughout Downtown Manhattan Beach from 12:00-2:00 p.m. on both Saturday and Sunday in the "Joy Ride" golf cart;
  • Trees will be decorated with new LED string lights purchased by the Downtown Manhattan Beach (for year-round use).
In keeping with social distancing requirements, this year's Holiday Open House will have no street closures, reindeer, caroling or entertainment.

The golf cart parade that had previously been announced has been canceled due to L.A. County public health requirements relating to car parades.

“While the city wishes we could celebrate the holidays in our special Manhattan Beach way, the city’s modified celebrations will allow us to continue our traditions in a safe manner,” said Mayor Richard Montgomery in a statement. “I encourage our community to keep showing their ‘Local Love’ by supporting our local businesses during this time. These events serve as an important revenue generator for many small businesses and we need to band together as a community to support them.”

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