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Santa Float Prepares for Nightly Rounds in Manhattan Beach

Nov 28, 2021 11:08AM ● By Jeanne Fratello
Santa Claus is coming to town: The Manhattan Beach Santa Float, sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Manhattan Beach, is preparing for making its annual rounds through the city.

The float will begin its nightly rounds on Monday, November 29, and will continue through Friday, December 17. See the map below to identify which nights Santa will be on your street (and which group is the sponsor). 

Area 1 - Monday, Nov. 29th - Kiwanis Club of Manhattan Beach (sponsor)

Area 2 - Tuesday, Nov. 30th - Manhattan Beach Hometown Fair Board

Area 3 - Wednesday, Dec. 1 - Manhattan Beach Rotary Club

Area 4 - Thursday, Dec. 2 - Aviation High School Alumni Association

Area 5 - Friday, Dec. 3 - Manhattan Beach Community Emergency Response Team

Area 6 - Monday, Dec. 6 - Manhattan Beach Neighborhood Watch

Area 7 - Tuesday, Dec. 7 - Group pending

Area 8 - Wednesday, Dec. 8 - Manhattan Beach Fire Department

Area 9 - Thursday, Dec. 9 - Manhattan Beach City Council

Area 10 - Friday, Dec. 10 - Group pending

Area 11 - Monday, Dec. 13 - Manhattan Beach Coordinating Council

(Manhattan Village from 4:45 - 5:30pm. Begin Area 11 at 5:30pm)

Area 12 - Tuesday, Dec. 14 - Manhattan Beach Unified School District

Area 13 - Wednesday, Dec. 15 - Manhattan Beach Police Department

Area 14 - Thursday, Dec. 16 - Manhattan Beach Fireworks Association

Area 15 - Friday, Dec. 17 - Leadership Manhattan Beach Class of 2017

The Manhattan Beach Santa Float is a beloved local tradition. Each weeknight, Santa travels through town on his sleigh, stopping mid-block to greet children and families. A variety of different community groups assist Santa throughout his travels.

On the night Santa is in your neighborhood, don't forget to watch for him via the Santa Tracker. The Santa Tracker goes live every night at 4:45 on days when Santa is traveling around town.

Note that Santa's float will not run in the rain and there are no makeups for rained-out nights. 

In case you miss seeing Santa on your street, the Santa Float will make four additional appearances in the month of December: 

December 2 at 5:00 p.m. - North End Business District Walkabout Special Santa Delivery

December 11 at 10:00 a.m. - The Great California Santa Stroll

December 12 at 5:00 p.m. - Manhattan Beach Fireworks

December 14 at 11:00 a.m. - Manhattan Beach Farmer's Market

The Santa Float was refurbished in 2017, thanks to the Leadership Manhattan Beach Class of 2017. The leadership group raised funds and contributed to structural repairs and new design enhancements for the float. Santa's elves also worked with the Manhattan Beach Unified School District to equalize the routes, based on the district’s neighborhood data.

To support the Santa Float, see donation opportunities here. 

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