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Optional Indoor Masking at Businesses to Begin for Vaccinated Individuals

Feb 24, 2022 10:08AM ● By Jeanne Fratello
Editor's note: This story was updated on February 25 to reflect statements from the city of Manhattan Beach and the Downtown Manhattan Beach Business and Professionals Association. 

The L.A. County Department of Public Health - whose jurisdiction includes Manhattan Beach - has announced that as of Friday, businesses that verify vaccination status may give vaccinated individuals the option to stay maskless indoors.

“While there are powerful tools that impede virus transmission, none are perfect, which is why we often need to use a variety of safety measures to reduce transmission," said L.A. County Department of Health Director Barbara Ferrer in a statement. "When transmission is very high, we need to create the most complete shield we can, so that’s why it’s important that we layer in all the protections at hand. As transmission drops and there is less virus circulating, some tools may afford significant protections against the very worst risks associated with COVID. Because vaccines are one of these tools, with lower rates of hospital admissions and COVID hospitalizations, it is appropriate in settings verifying vaccination or negative test status that we transition to strongly recommending masking instead of requiring masking.”

However, the city of Manhattan Beach, in a statement released on Friday, said that it would still require indoor masking at City Hall.

"Due to the labor-intensive nature of verifying vaccination and testing status of patrons entering City facilities without a mask, the city of Manhattan Beach has opted to continue requiring masks indoors for all patrons until further notice," according to the statement.

City officials also noted that as transmission declines, it is anticipated that Los Angeles County will reach the "moderate rate" level of transmission by mid-March. After seven consecutive days at this level, the Los Angeles County Health Officer will remove the indoor masking mandate for fully vaccinated persons in most indoor public places. During this time of transition, many businesses in Manhattan Beach may not have the resources to verify vaccination status upon entrance; therefore, indoor masking may remain a requirement in those businesses.

The Downtown Manhattan Beach Business and Professionals Association also released a statement, which noted, in part, "Many of our local businesses are experiencing extreme staffing challenges and simply may not have the resources to verify vaccination status of all customers. Please be patient and courteous to our businesses who are continuing to balance the health and safety of our community with the needs of maintaining their own business needs."

Options for Businesses

LACDPH is giving businesses two options, which include (bear with us, because these are clunky):

Option 1: Starting this Friday, establishments, businesses, or venues that want to allow fully vaccinated customers and workers to unmask while indoors must:

a) Verify that 100% of customers (5 and older) and workers prior to, or upon, entry to indoor spaces:

i) Provide proof of full vaccination against COVID-19, or

Provide proof of a recent negative COVID-19 viral test result. Tests for customers must be taken within two days of entry if a PCR test, or one day if an antigen test. Employees will be allowed to submit a negative test result every three days.

Those who are not fully vaccinated or do not show proof of vaccination, are required to provide a negative test, and continue wearing a well-fitting mask while indoors (as required by the state), except when actively eating or drinking.

Option 2: Starting this Friday, establishments, businesses, or venues that want to allow their fully vaccinated customers to unmask indoors while all onsite workers remain masked, must:

a) Verify that 100% of customers (5 and older) prior to, or upon, entry to indoor spaces

i) Provide proof of full vaccination against COVID-19, or

ii) Provide proof of a recent negative COVID-19 viral test result. Tests for customers must have been taken within two days of entry if a PCR test or one day if an antigen test.

b) Adhere to the following regarding customers and masking:

i) Fully vaccinated customers may be unmasked in the indoor setting.

ii) Customers that are not fully vaccinated must continue to wear a well-fitting mask while indoors (as required by the state), except when actively eating or drinking.

COVID-19, Vaccinations, and Masking in Manhattan Beach

Since the beginning of the pandemic, Manhattan Beach has experienced 4,782 COVID-19 cases and 24 deaths.

However, Manhattan Beach has had a lower case rate than many similar cities, with a case rate extrapolated to 13,284 cases per 100,000 residents. In comparison, L.A. County has experienced an average case rate of 27,337 per 100,000 residents (excluding Pasadena and Long Beach).

Additionally, Manhattan Beach residents have overwhelmingly chosen to become vaccinated. Across Manhattan Beach, 92.4% of the population (ages 5 and up) is vaccinated with at least one dose of the vaccine (compared to 78% across L.A. County).

Just last week, the Manhattan Beach Unified School District lifted an outdoor masking mandate for students.

Yet indoor masking for vaccinated individuals remains a sore point. Manhattan Beach, like many other cities, has a vocal group of citizens calling for an end to mask mandates, especially for students.

A march to end mask mandates in L.A. County is slated for February 27 in Hollywood.

At the same time - worth noting - a statewide poll released today by the University of California Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies found that California voters support mask mandates for K-12 schools by a 2-to-1 margin, 65% to 32%.

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