Acting Police Chief Issues Statement on Crimes in Manhattan Beach
Jun 27, 2022 04:36PM ● By Mb News Staff
On Monday, June 27, Manhattan Beach’s Acting Police Chief Christian Eichenlaub issued the following statement regarding recent crimes in Manhattan Beach:
“Over the last few weeks, residents and businesses have observed an increase in crime in Manhattan Beach. Most recently, on Friday, June 24, 2022 at approximately 7:00 PM, a smash and grab robbery occurred at Pasha Fine Jewelry in our Downtown Business District. Multiple suspects, some of whom were armed, entered the business, broke the display cases with hammers, and fled with merchandise.
“Fortunately, no one was harmed during this incident. However, the potential for what easily could have occurred if this situation escalated further weighs heavily on the community. There is no excuse for brazen acts of violence, and I empathize with those who were victims or witnesses of this crime. The Manhattan Beach Police Department is committed to bringing the suspects responsible for last week’s terrible crime to justice, and we are working diligently with our regional law enforcement partners—utilizing every resource at our disposal—to identify and apprehend these criminals. We will leave no stone unturned and will not rest until those responsible for this crime are jailed.
“Although Manhattan Beach has experienced noteworthy and significant crimes in recent weeks, I would like the community to know that these crimes are all unrelated. Your Police Department’s number one priority is to keep Manhattan Beach safe so residents and visitors alike can enjoy all that our small beach town offers. MBPD will remain steadfast with regular patrols throughout town, including business and residential areas, and will be increasing foot patrols throughout the Downtown area. Additionally, we are in close contact with the security teams at Manhattan Village and other destinations within our City to ensure they are aware of recent incidents and are taking steps to prevent crime on their own premises.
“As it relates to staffing levels, I would like to assure the community that MBPD has all of the resources necessary to ensure the safety of Manhattan Beach. While recruitment efforts are ongoing, the number of officers currently deployed in the field and in key investigative positions does not waver from historical norms. Furthermore, MBPD continues to be a career destination for law enforcement candidates, as the City has been able to hire 12 new police officers this fiscal year alone, with eight of those being trained laterals that have been hired from other police agencies. As a further demonstration of the City’s commitment to the long-term resourcing of MBPD operations, the City Council has also authorized our department to hire two additional police officers over and above our normally budgeted positions.
“While MBPD will do everything it can to keep Manhattan Beach a safe beach town, we ask you, our community, to be a part of the solution. Please remain vigilant while in public places and be aware of your surroundings. If you see something, say something. Get to know your neighbors. Also, please remember to provide as much detail as possible when calling 9-1-1 to report any crimes or suspicious incidents you observe. Collectively, we can deter criminal activity and increase safety in our community.