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City Seeks New Commission and Board Members

Mar 06, 2023 09:17PM ● By Jeanne Fratello
Could one of these empty seats have your name on it? It could, if you take this opportunity to  join a city board or commission

Boards and commissions are officially appointed and empowered to carry out certain jobs or make recommendations to City Council relating to their specific jurisdictions. (The name "board" or "commission" has the same weight. According to the city, it appears to be merely Manhattan Beach tradition whether a body was established as a board or commission.)

Boards and commissions have a permanent nature, as opposed to a committee, which may be established for some specific and perhaps temporary purpose. Board members and commissioners are volunteer positions and serve without compensation but may be reimbursed for their (pre-approved) costs and expenses incurred in connection with the performance of their duties. 

To be considered for one of these seats, you must be a resident of Manhattan Beach and a registered voter. (Student representatives do not need to be registered to vote.) Visit to submit an application and to learn more about each board and commission.

The deadline for submitting applications is April 13, with the exception of the MBUSD appointee to the Parks & Rec Commission, which has an application deadline of March 31. See more details on deadlines and other key dates below.


The Cultural Arts Commission assists the City Council in developing an Annual Work Plan for Cultural Arts in the city. The commission also encourages and supports public art (festivals, concerts, special events and educational programs) in the community. It consists of six members: four members selected at-large, one member selected with art-related experience, and one student representative. It meets the 3rd Monday of every month at 4:00 p.m. in a hybrid format (in-person in City Council Chambers and virtually via Zoom).

Cultural Arts Commission Vacancies: 3 Seats
1 Art Experience
1 Member-At-Large
1 Student Representative


The Library Commission serves in an advisory capacity to the City Council regarding library services provided by the Los Angeles County Library System to the citizens of Manhattan Beach. This Commission also serves as a liaison between the county, city and public/private community groups supportive of library services. It consists of six members: five members selected at-large and one student representative. It meets the 2nd Monday of each month at 4:00 PM in a hybrid format (in-person in City Council Chambers and virtually via Zoom)

Library Commission Vacancies: 2 Seats

1 Member-At-Large
1 Student Representative


The Parks & Recreation Commission serves in an advisory capacity to the City Council regarding the recreational needs of all citizens, and shall promote supervised public recreation within the city. It consists of seven members: four members selected at-large, one member from the Older Adult community, one representative appointed by the Manhattan Beach Unified School District, and one student representative. It meets the 4th Monday of every month at 4:00 pm. in a hybrid format (in-person in City Council Chambers and virtually via Zoom).

Parks & Recreation Commission Vacancies: 3 Seats

1 Member-At-Large
1 MBUSD Nominee (*See note below)
1 Student Representative

*Newly appointed MBUSD Trustee Bruce Greenberg has represented MBUSD since his original appointment in 2017, and his term will expire on May 31, 2023. (Members serve 3-year terms.) If you are interested in representing MBUSD on the Parks & Rec Commission for the 2023-2026 term, complete this application and submit it no later than Friday, March 31 at noon. If you have questions regarding the role of commissioner, please contact Bruce Greenberg and he will be glad to advise. The MBUSD Board of Trustees will appoint the new representative at its regular meeting on Wednesday, April 19.


The Parking and Public Improvements Commission (PPIC) makes recommendations to the City Council on public parking issues, capital improvement projects, traffic management and activities within the public right-of-way including encroachment permits. It consists of five  members: three members selected at-large, and two members owning and/or operating businesses located in the city, excluding home-based businesses. It meets the 4th Thursday of each month at 4:00 p.m. in a hybrid format (in-person in City Council Chambers and virtually via Zoom).

Parking and Public Improvements Commission Vacancies: 3 Seats

1 Business Community
2 Members-At-Large


The Planning Commission implements the city’s zoning ordinance and considers land use applications such as use permits, variances, planned development permits, historic landmark requests, CEQA, and appeals of certain decisions made by the Directors of Community Development, and recommends to the City Council zone changes, code amendments, and modifications to long-range planning documents, including but not limited to the city’s General Plan and Local Coastal Plan. It is the only existing Commission that makes official determinations. Planning Commission decisions may be appealed to the City Council. It consists of five members. It meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month at 3:00 p.m. in a hybrid format (in-person in City Council Chambers and virtually via Zoom).

Planning Commission Vacancies: 3 Seats

3 Members-At-Large


The Board of Building Appeals hears requests for interpretation of California Code provisions, alternative materials and methods of construction. The Board’s interpretations and recommendations to the City Council are advisory. Members must be qualified by experience and training. If there are insufficient applicants, the City Council may appoint qualified members serving concurrently on a Commission. It consists of five members. It meets on an as-needed basis in the City Council Chambers. Boardmembers are appointed to 3-year terms but may serve indefinitely.

Board of Building Appeals Vacancies: 5 Seats

5 Members-At-Large
(Qualified by Experience and Training)

The deadline to submit online applications for these positions is 5:00 p.m., Thursday, April 13, 2023. Board & Commission interviews will take place at a City Council meeting on Tuesday, April 25, 2023. (Time and location TBD.)

The City Council will consider all applications and appoint members to the boards and commissions at the Tuesday, May 2, 2023, City Council Meeting. For more information, call (310) 802-5056.

Editor's Note: If you are interested in a board member position for the Manhattan Beach Hometown Fair, see our story here.

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