VIDEO: Chief Johnson Discusses Pasha Robbery Arrests
Mar 23, 2023 01:36PM ● By Mb News Staff
The morning after Manhattan Beach police arrested 7 suspects in last night's robbery at Pasha Fine Jewelry, Police Chief Rachel Johnson addressed the community at a previously scheduled public forum at police headquarters.
MB News has exclusive video of Chief Johnson's brief presentation and Q & A. (The video is displayed below this story, or can be viewed online on YouTube, where there is also a transcript of her remarks.)
Among the highlights:
- Chief Johnson stated that all 7 suspects are being held in the Manhattan Beach jail.
- MBPD was able to track the suspect vehicles in part thanks to video from businesses on Manhattan Beach Blvd.
- It is not yet clear whether the March 22, 2023, robbery is connected to the similar armed robbery at Pasha on June 24, 2022.
Chief Johnson commended local patrol officers, watch commanders and detectives for working through the night to make it possible to continue the investigation while keeping the city covered as well. Some members of the force slept in their cars overnight to stay close.
"I saw them this morning at 6, and they looked just about wrecked," Chief Johnson said. "They looked like you would look if you’ve been up for 24 hours."
"But without every one of them," Chief Johnson said, "we would not be able to do this."