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Vigil Called 'A Testament to the Healing Power of Community'

Oct 18, 2023 07:14PM ● By Mb News Staff

A vigil supporting Israel held on the Manhattan Beach Pier. Photo credit: Jen Dohner

South Bay community members gathered at the Manhattan Beach Pier on October 11 for a vigil in support of Israel. Organized by local religious leaders, the event was marked by blue and white lights on the pier and attendees holding Israel's blue and white flag.

(Photo credit: Jen Dohner)

"It was a powerful testament to the healing power of community," Manhattan Beach City Councilmember Amy Howorth told the City Council on Tuesday night.

Howorth noted that the crisis in the Middle East has affected many people locally. Some have lost relatives, she said, and others have children in the Israeli defense forces - and even in the U.S. Navy - who have been called to serve.

"It's important to acknowledge that people are in crisis, deeply grieving, and justifiably angry all at once," she said. "Reach out to friends and neighbors. Help each other. My hope is that dialogue and understanding will prevail over violence and hate."

(Photo credit: Jen Dohner)

The Jewish Community Center, a co-organizer, has created the United for Israel Fund, a fund that is dedicated in support of the families whose loved ones were lost or injured in the recent attacks. All the money raised will go directly to the families affected. Donations can be made here.

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