What Does a Year of Crime Look Like in Manhattan Beach?
Apr 28, 2024 11:41PM ● By Jeanne Fratello

Second, crime incident reports and arrests appear to be fairly consistent, with one unexplained dip in October. (We're thinking: end of summer; not yet the holiday season? Police did not respond to our questions about trends.)

Third, property crimes far outweigh crimes against society and crimes against persons in Manhattan Beach. Notably, there was only one homicide reported between April 2023 and March 2024.

How does 2023 stack up? At the last MBPD town hall forum, in November 2023, the Manhattan Beach Police Department announced a 40.9% overall
reduction in serious crimes between January and October 2023, compared
with the same time period in 2022. Over five years, those crimes were down
Crimes against property, which include burglary, larceny, vehicle
theft, and arson were down 41.5% year-over-year and down 8.5%
over five years.
"Property crime is where we really struggle...It can be really difficult in communities like ours, but we've had some reductions - and a lot of our reductions are really kudos to all of you," said Johnson at the forum.
For example, about half of thefts in 2022 occurred when keys were left in the vehicle; in 2023, that number was down to 17%.
Data note: If you're trying to do your own version of an apples-to-apples comparison of raw numbers, you will get different numbers between 2022 and 2023. In
2021, the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) was
established as the FBI’s national standard in crime reporting in the
United States. MBPD
transitioned to the new reporting mechanism in April 2022, replacing
the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) format with NIBRS. From January to
April 2022, Manhattan Beach crime statistics were reported in UCR format
and from April to December 2022, crimes were reported in the NIBRS