Bees Shut Down Manhattan Beach Pier
Jun 01, 2024 09:56PM ● By Jeanne Fratello
A swarm of bees forced the shutdown of the Manhattan Beach Pier on Saturday afternoon. Photo credit: Luke Fratello
The Manhattan Beach Pier doesn't get shut down very often, and if it does, it's usually due to weather or surf conditions. But on Saturday, the pier was shut down for...bees.
Yes, bees - as in the flying and stinging insects.
A swarm of bees descended on the Manhattan Beach Pier at around 4:00 on Saturday afternoon. One visitor described the swarm as in the "thousands."

Manhattan Beach Mayor Joe Franklin, who was at the pier at around 5:30 p.m., told MB News that the bees appeared to be congregating around one particular trash receptacle.

Out of caution, officials shut down the pier until bee abatement professionals could take care of the situation. By Sunday morning, the pier was open once again, although the bees' trash can was cordoned off. One lone bee was spotted crawling around the top.
Meanwhile, the pier railings replacement project - the thing that looks as if it would force the shutdown of the pier but hasn't -
will continue. The pier railings are being replaced with new railings
made from new and more durable materials, albeit still in the same
iconic "seafoam green" color.

The pier will remain open throughout the duration of the railing replacement project.