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Leadership Manhattan Beach Invites Community to Mural Painting

Mar 17, 2022 12:17PM ● By Mb News Staff
Get your paintbrushes ready, because Leadership Manhattan Beach is inviting community members to participate in a mural painting project at the Manhattan Beach Art Center on April 30.

Middle school students through adults are welcome to participate in the project. To participate, visit for information about sign ups and/or to make a donation to the mural project.

The mural, designed by Josh Barnes of Love and Loyalty Studio of Hermosa Beach, features a muted blue and green floral design with an image of the Manhattan Beach Pier in the center. The design was selected following a community vote and City Council approval. It will be painted on the south-facing parking lot wall of the Manhattan Beach Art Center.

The mural is this year's project from the Leadership Manhattan Beach Class of 2022, and is designed to align with their belief that “Art Makes Community.”. The goal, according to the group, is to "develop community spirit by promoting inclusion, collaboration, creativity, and mental well-being; while increasing visibility of the MB Art Center."

The project was designed to support the Manhattan Beach Art Center's Revitalization Project, which identified the need for murals in strategic locations. Furthermore, the 2020 Parks Master Plan identified the need to develop a sense of community. LMB’s mural project aims to fulfill both of those goals.

Leadership Manhattan Beach Mission

Leadership Manhattan Beach is a 501c(3) non-profit offering participants a nine-month program that educates and develops future community leaders. LMB has been connecting its students with Manhattan Beach departments as well as city executives for 30 years. (This year, LMB’s 15-member class includes three Mira Costa High School students.)

The program, which runs from September through May of each year, culminates in a final project to benefit the community.

Previous Leadership Manhattan Beach projects have included refurbishing the Manhattan Beach Santa Float, installing bicycle fix-it stations, and equipping Manhattan Beach Police Department vehicles and strategic businesses throughout the community with Automated External Defibrillators.

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